I.D.F "the registered trustees of Islamic Development Foundation" is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political religious organization. It was established in 2004 and officially registered in 2010 with Reg. No. 4002 under The Trustees Incorporation Act (Cap. 318 R.E. 2002) of United Republic of Tanzania

I.D.F is a non-Profit passionate about community development by providing long-term solutions project results. Its primary focus is capacity building and educational projects benefiting youth and children. I.D.F aims to empower most vulnerable, poor and disadvantaged populations of both urban and rural areas villages of Tanzanian region through education, health and livelihood opportunities to break the cycle of poverty and make self-sufficient future. Back to 2001 - 2003 the group of elites conducted a research on most vulnerable and disadvantageous communities on access to education and found Muslim communities along the coast was on lead. Researchers decided to establish and run education centers with the aim of empowering and bringing community development to the Tanzanian public. In 2004, I.D.F was founded and was officially launched 6 years later.